Grant Categories
We offer up to 30 grants per year to Canadian organizations, primarily within the arts and media sectors. These grants are distributed across research, project, and organizational grant categories. Explore our granting categories and examples of projects we might support.
Research and Sector-building Grants
Up to $50,000
Research and sector-building grants provide support for research or events that help advance narrative power. We provide a limited number of research and sector-building grants throughout the year.

Research grants provide support for research that bridges knowledge gaps and builds capacity to advance narrative power. Projects should identify policy and practice solutions to equity barriers, as well as opportunities for knowledge mobilization and advocacy that promotes systemic change.
Examples of eligible research:
- A study on racial identity data collection practices in the media sector. Research is led by racialized community not-for- profit or charity.
- An evidence-informed analysis of disproportionate funding for Muslim arts and/or media organizations.
Sector-building grants provide support for events that bring arts and media practitioners together to develop networks, capacity, and strategies to strengthen advocacy efforts that help redistribute access and power. We prioritize projects that fill gaps in the current landscape.
Examples of sector-building projects:
- A conference focused on engaging and connecting equity-seeking creatives across sectors.
- A short series of virtual gatherings focused on sharing knowledge or developing advocacy strategies.
Seed and Major Project Grants
$10,000 – $100,000; multi-year funding available
Seed and major project grants support emerging and innovative initiatives or programs that help communities build narrative power.

Seed grants are flexible grants (maximum $50,000) that support fledgling initiatives or early-stage organizations developing new models for industry interventions. We generally fund in the following areas: screen-based industries, such as film and television; and digital, community-led and public-interest journalism. We emphasize initiatives that have the potential to replicate, engage, and influence industry decision-makers, and attract additional partners.
We provide a limited number of seed grants up to $50,000.
Examples of seed grant projects:
- A development grant for an emerging media or arts advocacy organization to develop governance models, strategic direction, and revenue streams.
- A collaborative journalism project that focuses on identifying solutions to increase access to justice.
Major project grants ($50,000-100,000 per year) support extensive, collaborative projects that build infrastructure, skills, capacity, and resources for communities to increase long-term leadership development or challenge systemic barriers in narrative ecosystems.
They may include initiatives that create robust career pathways for racialized leaders in the arts and media, as well as media-based projects that address issues of systemic discrimination and are grounded in the perspectives and editorial framing of racialized communities. Although Inspirit may be the initial funder, we prioritize initiatives with additional funders. We work with grantees to maximize funding and partnership opportunities.
Major project grants over $50,000 may require a second application stage consisting of written responses, additional documents, and conversations with Inspirit staff.
Examples of eligible major projects:
- An Indigenous language media program that supports Indigenous broadcasters to create and distribute programming that addresses broader community needs, cultural expression, and sector development.
- A training course focused on building advocacy and policy skills for senior leaders in arts and media industries.
Organizational Grants
Starting at $50,000; multi-year funding available
Organizational grants are unrestricted, general operating grants that support the development of organizations that advance narrative power and provide solutions to address systemic barriers. Applications are by invitation only.

Organizational grant applications are invitation-only.
We prioritize organizations with whom Inspirit has an existing partnership. These grants typically require a second application stage that consists of written responses, additional documents, and conversations with Inspirit staff.
These grants are usually multi-year, exceed $100,000, and require approval from Inspirit’s full Board of Directors.
For organizational grants, we generally partner with organizations that have an annual budget between $250,000 – $1 million and are:
- Attractors and drivers whose work has influence within and beyond their geographic community.
- Focused on building infrastructure and platforms to support communities to build collective narrative power and shift resources.
- Grounded in their communities and working with an array of partners and audiences to influence new cultural norms, behaviours, or policies in their field.
- Clear about their strategic opportunities to advance narrative change.
- Able to identify how Inspirit funding will be used to support their work; although funding is unrestricted, we do want to understand an organization’s priorities and approach.