Priority Areas
We have three priority areas that cut across multiple arts and media sectors and apply a systems lens to granting. We prioritize work that builds equitable narrative, advances Indigenous sovereignty and reconciliation, and challenges Islamophobia.

Building Equitable Narrative Ecosystems
We partner with organizations and initiatives that build industry-specific infrastructure to support narratives led by underrepresented communities. This infrastructure supports ecosystems that increase access, opportunities, and power for a broad range of communities.
We prioritize working with organizations led or deeply shaped by Indigenous, Muslim, Black, and racialized voices.
While racial, ethnic, and religious diversity are slowly increasing in the arts and media sectors, there are still funding disparities, gaps at the leadership level, and discriminatory practices and policies that perpetuate inequity.
Our current focus
For 2025, we are prioritizing the following areas for funding:
- digital, community-led, and public-interest journalism

Indigenous Narrative Sovereignty and Advancing Reconciliation
Inspirit is committed to building relationships and trust with Indigenous communities to support Indigenous voices, leadership, and right to self-determination.
We understand reconciliation to be an ongoing process that is grounded in principles of reciprocity and equity. We also recognize that reconciliation is a contested term that requires listening, learning, and adapting our practices to address ongoing legacies of colonization that adversely impact Indigenous communities.
Our work in this area is broad. We prioritize funding to Indigenous-led organizations and initiatives that advance control over intellectual and cultural property and heritage and shift narrative power. We partner with Indigenous organizations across several industries, including:
We partner with Indigenous organizations across several industries, including:
- screen-based industries, such as film and television
- digital, community-led and public-interest journalism
- fashion and cultural industries
- visual arts
Our current focus
In 2025, Inspirit will not be engaging in new grantee partnerships in this area as we work with existing partners and transition towards the development of an Indigenous-led fund for 2026.

Challenging Islamophobia
Ending Islamophobia requires a variety of approaches and tactics. We focus on the narratives, ideas, and cultural norms that shape worldviews and behaviors, especially in pop culture. The majority of Inspirit’s grants in this area fall under our Narrative Change Lab.
Our current focus
We work with Muslim-led arts and media organizations and research partners who address missing narratives and help develop industry infrastructure for Muslims to connect and tell their stories on their own terms.
We focus on:
- screen-based industries, such as film and television
- supporting the development of Muslim-led networks across different arts and cultural fields
- the launch of a Muslim Artist Fund in 2025