Jordyn on #Canada150
We are continuing to expand the conversation on #Canada150 by centering the voices of racialized young people in Canada who are engaging in work on the ground to address barriers to inclusion. The third instalment of our #Canada150 series features Jordyn Monroe, prolific organizer, educator, activist and founder of Journeys InEquity. With over ten years of experience facilitating workshops and trainings around social justice, Jordyn Monroe shares some of her thoughts on the gaps that must be addressed in order to ensure everyone in Canada is able to not only live but to also thrive.
[vc_video title=”Sanaa on Canada150″ link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM_7i0WraC0″]
See other videos from our #Canada150 series featuring Justin Wiebe, Sanaa Ali-Mohammed and Leslie VanEvery.