Jozef Agtarap, Communications and Outreach Manager

Phone: (416) 644 3600 Ext. 7

Jozef Agtarap is the Communications and Outreach Manager at Inspirit Foundation. Dedicating his career to social change, Jozef has worked in several areas across the non-profit sector such as child and youth services, humanitarian aid, and international development. His range of expertise includes content creation and building brand awareness, as well as communications strategy and management. 

A—self-proclaimed—writer of words and liker of people, Jozef is passionate about using stories and conversations to connect individuals within the greater community. 

In addition to advocating for youth and racialized voices, Jozef champions the arts and culture as Vice-President of  Fiesta Filipina Dance Troupe of Canada and Chair of the Philippine Pavilion at Carabram. A big basketball fan, he may or may not have broken down weeping in the streets of Toronto, following the Raptors’ 2019 NBA championship.