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Apply for a Grant

Learn how to apply for an Inspirit grant. Inspirit prioritizes support for Canadian organizations deeply shaped by Indigenous, Muslim, Black, and racialized voices. We recognize the inherent intersectionality across identities and issues.

How to apply

1. Review grant categories

Grants are distributed across research and sector-building, project, and organizational grant categories. Explore our granting categories and examples of projects we might support.

2. Review Inspirit priority areas

All grant proposals must fall under at least one of Inspirit’s priority areas. Review our latest priority updates to assess whether your proposal fits.

3. Check eligibility requirements and FAQs

Please read all items in the eligibility requirements and FAQ section below. It includes descriptions and examples of projects/funding needs that we will and will NOT support.

4. Apply through our application portal (invitation-only for 2025)

After you have identified a grant category, confirmed that your priorities align with ours and eligibility, we encourage you to apply through our online application portal. 

In 2025, Inspirit Foundation will continue supporting existing partners across our priority areas.

Grants for new organizations through Inspirit’s general granting will be limited, as a significant portion of our funding is allocated to commitments with current grantees. We will announce specific funding opportunities focused on journalism and Muslim-led narrative change in 2025. Details will be shared on our website, and we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

General granting 

To explore potential alignment with Inspirit’s funding priorities, please review our grant types and priority areas and contact us at  

We understand that applying for grants can be time- and resource-intensive. To streamline the process, we will review brief inquiries and may extend invitations to apply on a case-by-case basis.  

When reaching out, please include a brief description of your work and focus, and we will respond as soon as possible.  

Eligibility Requirements & Frequently Asked Questions

1. Your organization or group must be based in Canada, and the work must take place in Canada.

2. Inspirit typically grants to registered charities and non-profit organizations; however, if your work aligns with our priorities, we also work with non-qualified donees.

3. We do not provide grants to individuals.

For the duration of 2025, grants for new organizations through Inspirit’s general granting will be limited, as a significant portion of our funding is allocated to commitments with current grantees.  

We will announce specific funding opportunities focused on journalism and Muslim-led narrative change in the months to come. Details will be shared on our website, and we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter for updates. We occasionally accept proposals outside of these parameters for time-sensitive events and opportunities closely linked to Inspirit’s mission. These requests should be submitted to and are assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

We typically distribute a maximum of 30 grants per year, including grants to pre-existing grantees. This includes grants under all categories.

We fund three types of grants and each has its own range. We trust organizations to ask for what they need, within the guidelines for the different granting streams. We look at factors such as other funding sources, the size and scope of the project, and organizational budget. As part of the application process, we work with applicants to identify a grant amount.   

Please note that due to the number of requests and our granting budget, we are not always able to provide the full amount requested by successful applicants. 

No. We reserve a certain percentage of funding for qualified donees (such as registered charities and registered First Nations).  

We are flexible in partnering with non-qualified donees provided they align with Inspirit’s mission. Non-qualified donees include entities such as incorporated and non-incorporated nonprofits, grassroots organizations and businesses that have not received charitable designation from the Canada Revenue Agency.  

Occasionally, we provide funds to a charitable trustee who holds the funds for informal groups, non-profit organizations, and registered businesses. The trustee administers the grant and is accountable for legal and financial responsibilities on behalf of the non-registered partner.  

Please contact us for more information if your organization is not a registered charity or access the guidelines developed by the CRA. 

We use a combination of open calls, unsolicited applications and staff-led research and outreach to identify new partners. We consult with grantees, funding partners, and multiple industry networks to learn about new organizations and opportunities to address critical gaps in the landscape.  

In addition to criteria listed in Grants and Priority Granting Areas, we look for: 

Strategic fit  

We grant to organizations carrying out work that aligns with Inspirit’s mission, values and priority granting areas 


We welcome innovation and creativity. Inspirit is often an early or first funder for projects and organizations showing promising approaches. We look to “de-risk” projects and, where possible, support grantees to access other funders. 

Industry focus

We look at how an organization’s work aligns with other grantees and Inspirit’s program areas. Although this is evolving, we are currently engaged in field-building activities in screen-based industries, the journalism sector, Muslim-led narrative change and in other initiatives relevant to our priority areas.


Inspirit’s work is national in scope, and we strive to fund organizations across Canada. Although your work may be more locally focused, we prioritize organizations that demonstrate impact, or show potential to have influence beyond their geographic scope. 


We fund organizations strongly connected to the communities they serve and that have the potential to drive their sector toward more equitable practices and outcomes. This may include work that advances new industry practices and policies, generates resource flows to underserved communities, and influences industry culture, and more. 

Organization size and stage of development

When making funding decisions, we consider the size of an organization, including the number of staff, volunteers, budget, and internal infrastructure. Inspirit tends to fund smaller organizations – typically with budgets under $1 million – that demonstrate high potential to grow or deliver impact, strengthen internal capacity, and attract additional revenue. 

Yes. We welcome inquiries throughout the year; however, due to volume and capacity constraints, we are not always able to respond quickly. Please send an email to with a brief introduction and specific information about your work.

Absolutely. Due to volume, we cannot provide feedback to all applicants, but we will try to offer feedback when asked.

When we award grants, we generally do not put restrictions on budget items or specify line-item caps. Grants may cover salary, labour costs (including consultant fees), administration and project expenses, and materials, including reasonable equipment costs if they are essential to carrying out the project or the organization’s work.  

Inspirit does NOT provide grants for:

  • Organizations based outside of Canada
  • Projects that take place outside of Canada
  • Retroactive funding
  • Capital building costs
  • Fundraising and endowment drives
  • Debt relief
  • Direct services and social services
  • Educational scholarships
  • Internships
  • Political activities that are partisan
  • Equity investments in companies

For arts and media related projects, Inspirit typically does not fund:

  • Production and post-production costs for film, television and audio production
  • Impact campaigns for films
  • Stand-alone arts and film festival presentations, except in special cases
  • Art exhibitions or performances (e.g. theatre performances, concerts, single screenings)
  • Training and talent development programs for early-career artists, creatives and journalists
  • Artist residencies, fellowships, or internships
  • Individual artists or art projects
  • Individual conference attendance
  • Communications work (unless it is part of a larger narrative strategy within our priority areas)

Still have questions?

You are welcome to share your questions and any specific inquiries to While we will do our best, note that we cannot respond to all inquiries due to the volume of requests.  

Inspirit Foundation

180 Shaw Street, Suite 314, Toronto, Ontario, M6J 2W5

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