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Inspirit Grantee Alia Youssef on Sisterhood


The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by celebrating and sharing their stories. Alia has photographed and interviewed over 160 Canadian women from 12 cities and eight provinces. Check out media coverage here and learn more about the project here.

A Few Parting Words from Board Member Tim Brodhead


In the not-for-profit world, there is often a mismatch between ambitious goals and modest means, and this certainly applies to Inspirit. I was privileged to serve on Inspirit’s Board of Directors as the organization struggled to understand more deeply its mandate to create a more inclusive society in Canada, to develop practical strategies to fulfill … Continued

Silk Road Institute Offers Creative Arts Grants


The Silk Road Institute has launched the 2020-2021 Creative Arts Grants for Canadian Muslim artists. Genres include, but are not limited to, the visual arts (paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures, and architecture), literature (novels, poems, and playscripts), and media (documentary, film, and videos). Canadian Muslim artists are invited to submit proposals by July 24. The Silk Road Institute is an Inspirit … Continued

Founder of Vision TV Speaks on Anti-Black Racism


Until I realized that murdered black man George Floyd and I both went to Jack Yates High School, in the Third Ward black ghetto of Houston, Texas, I was going to stay out of commenting. My childhood home in the 1960s was flanked by our school and the stadium where Mr. Floyd played football in … Continued

Part Nine of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


The pandemic has hit in the midst of two major life changes for my family. This past year Jill and I welcomed our son Hayzen and then also bought a new home. Just as we settled into our new life with our family of three, the pandemic hit. Chaotic and destructive as its been, my … Continued

Stream The Mosque: A Community’s Struggle


The Inspirit-supported documentary is based on the aftermath of the mosque shooting at Ste. Foy, Québec. It focuses on how its Muslim community wrestles with the narrative of what it means to be Muslim, one year after the devastating attack that took the lives of six of its members. Stream the documentary here. You can also check … Continued

Impact Investing and the Pandemic


The pandemic is causing major volatility on stock markets globally, and as a foundation that relies on our investments to fund our work, we are watching the markets very closely and are encouraged by the performance of our portfolio. Given the extraordinary market environment and Inspirit Foundation’s focus on impact investing, we thought it would … Continued

Inspirit Supports Aboriginal Curatorial Collective for Curating Care Series


In the current climate of COVID-19, how we care for communities is more important than ever. That’s why we’re partnering with/supporting the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective/Collectif des commissaires autochtones (ACC-CCA) in their call for Independent Indigenous Curators and Arts Creatives to share their stories in their Curating Care series. ACC-CCA offers $250 honorariums to eligible participants, all you need … Continued

Yellowhead Institute launches Call for Collaboration Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic


As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolds across the country and in communities, the result has been uncertainty for researchers, analysts, and creators generally, who have lost work. To help support those impacted, Yellowhead is launching A Call for Collaboration. Their  hope is to boost the generation and mobilization of creative and intellectual content for communities. The Call for … Continued

Achieving a 100% Impact Portfolio: Part 2


Given the recent volatility of the markets, Inspirit is even more committed to our impact investing strategy moving forward. In January 2016 Inspirit committed to a 100% impact portfolio, and became the only foundation in Canada to publicly state that as our goal. From the outset, we wanted to transition what was a relatively traditional … Continued