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ChangeUp Grants on CBC Cape Breton’s Information Morning

Media Coverage

Our ChangeUp Grants are open until September 25, 2017. Inspirit’s Manager of Grants and Media Impact Funding Chris Lee was on CBC Cape Breton’s Information Morning to talk about the projects we’ve funded through ChangeUp, the kind of initiatives we’re looking to support and why they’re important in creating greater inclusion in Canada. Listen to … Continued

For Canadian Muslims, recent disturbing events part of familiar narrative

Media Coverage

Originally published in The Toronto Star, February 3rd 2017   U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban against Muslims came as no surprise to Canadian Muslims, though they did not expect how harshly and quickly it happened. Then came the massacre at a Quebec City mosque that struck another blow to a community already numbed by the … Continued

Inspirit grants help two Edmonton charities inspire youth leaders

Media Coverage

Originally published in The Edmonton Examiner, December 3, 2014   Two local non-profits are getting help to inspire youth to embrace diversity and take a leadership role in driving intolerance from our communities thanks to a grant from the Inspirit Foundation. “We believe that young people can drive the social changes needed to ensure everyone … Continued

Aboriginal activists say end of residential school commission is just the start of the conversation

Media Coverage

Originally published in The Toronto Star, May 30, 2015   18 foundations and philanthropic organizations signed declaration to bring aboriginals and non-aboriginals together. Andrea Nemtin, president and CEO of the Inspirit Foundation. (AARON HARRIS / TORONTO STAR) When the Truth and Reconciliation Commission presents its final recommendations, it will mark the end of many years … Continued

Beyond tolerance lies true respect

Media Coverage

Originally published in The Globe and Mail, February 28, 2013   Because simple tolerance, mere tolerance, is not enough. We need genuine and deep respect for each and every human being notwithstanding their thoughts, their values, their beliefs, their origins. These words, spoken by Justin Trudeau during a moving eulogy for his late father, resonated … Continued