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Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival

Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival is a unique showcase of contemporary Asian cinema and work from Asia and the Asian diaspora. This grant supported a screening of An Act of Worship, as well as a post-film workshop.

Indigenous Visual Culture at OCAD University

The Indigenous Visual Culture program at OCAD University combines practice-specific and interdisciplinary studio-based learning, and courses in the visual, cultural, social and political history of Indigenous peoples. This grant supported the Nigig Visiting Artist Residency.

Outside the March

Outside the March is an immersive theatre company that redefines the experience of theatre for a new generation of audiences. This grant supported “The Pop-Up Experience” project.

Toronto Ward Museum

The Toronto Ward Museum is a community-engaged museum that facilitates the preservation and sharing of personal stories of migrants in Toronto’s history.

La Converse

La Converse is a digital media outlet serving underrepresented communities in Québec. Launched as a month-long pop-up newsletter to fill an urgent need for reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic, it quickly engaged audiences and had made measurable impact across underserved communities.

The GreenLine

The Green Line is an award-winning, hyperlocal news outlet that investigates the way we live to help young and other underserved Torontonians survive and thrive in a rapidly changing city.

Peterborough Currents

Peterborough Currents is a reader-funded independent news outlet that puts people at the centre of their stories. They’re committed to producing journalism that connects the community, focusing on issues that affect real people’s live.


InsideWaterloo is an independent media initiative that amplifies diverse voices of Black, Indigenous and racialized residents living in the Waterloo Region in Ontario.

The Local

The Local is an independent magazine exploring urban health and social issues in Toronto. They take a data-driven, yet authentically human approach to storytelling on pressing issues facing the city, from poverty and homelessness, to mental health, aging, and food insecurity.


The Mosquers was started in 2006 as a short-film festival to provide a platform for local films by Muslim filmmakers in Edmonton. It has emerged as a key organization in Canada’s Muslim creative sector over the past decade. This grant supported the 2021 Mosquers festival.