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Indigenous Communication Arts at First Nations University

The Indigenous Communication Arts (INCA) program at First Nations University is a unique program in Canada that provides journalism and communications education that is immersed in an Indigenous worldview and delivered within an Indigenous-led institution.

Documentary Organization of Canada

The Documentary Organization of Canada (DOC) is a member-driven national organization dedicated to supporting documentary filmmaking and filmmakers.

Muslims in Media

Muslims in Media (MiM) was founded in 2021 with a mission to incubate independent media. Their goal is to support productions and offer professional development opportunities for artists working on nuanced depictions of Muslim life. This grant supports the Break the Room project and the Episodic Writers Lab.

Harbinger Media Network

The Harbinger Media Network is an award-winning non-profit media community uncovering news and current events through original and independent explanatory journalism. This grant supported Unrigged, a news platform that provides up-to-the-hour news from across the country.

Documentary Organization of Canada

The Documentary Organization of Canada is a member-driven national organization dedicated to supporting documentary filmmaking and filmmakers.

Yellowhead Institute

Yellowhead Institute is an Indigenous-led research and education centre based in the Faculty of Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University. The Institute publishes Indigenous policy perspectives, privileging Indigenous philosophy and amplifying Indigenous voices.

Black Women Film! Canada

Black Women Film! is a not-for-profit organization that supports the development of Black women and non-binary filmmakers & media artists in Canada. This grant supported the DREAM BIG writer and director retreat.

Journalists for Human Rights

Journalists for Human Rights is a leading media development organization that trains and engages local journalists, media outlets, civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen and improve human rights coverage in local contexts. This grant supported the Anti-Harrasment and Threat Mitigation in Canadian Media project.

Community Radio Fund of Canada

The Community Radio Fund of Canada secures funding for the production, distribution and sustainability of Canada’s community audio broadcasters. This grant funds the Amplifying Voices program which supports Indigenous broadcasters in the production and distribution of Indigenous language programming.

Canadian Association of Journalists

The Canadian Association of Journalists is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides advocacy and professional development for journalists across Canada. This grant supports the Emergency Support Fund for Canadian Journalists.