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Achieving a 100% Impact Portfolio: Part 2


Given the recent volatility of the markets, Inspirit is even more committed to our impact investing strategy moving forward. In January 2016 Inspirit committed to a 100% impact portfolio, and became the only foundation in Canada to publicly state that as our goal. From the outset, we wanted to transition what was a relatively traditional … Continued

Part Eight of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


Just when my wife Jill and I were almost halfway towards our goal of a 100% impact portfolio (see previous post), we liquidated a significant chunk of our portfolio to buy a house! The home purchase was fueled by some happy news for us: a baby! We welcomed Hayzen Marty Cohen into our new home … Continued

Restoring the Sacred Bond Community Launch


The Southern First Nations Network of Care (SFNNC) and Wiijii’idiwag Ikwewag invites you to a sacred feast and ceremony to honour and bless it’s new initiative, Restoring the Sacred Bond. This initiative is aimed at reducing the number of Indigenous infants in government care in Manitoba. This historic launch will take place on June 17th, on … Continued

New venture capital fund helps Indigenous businesses scale


A new Indigenous-led venture capital fund will provide capital and support to Indigenous social enterprises across the country. “We’re an Indigenous intermediary working with Indigenous businesses, bridging the space between non-Indigenous private capital and the Indigenous businesses,” says Jeffrey Cyr, a managing partner at Raven Indigenous Capital Partners. Mr. Cyr and managing partner Paul Lacerte … Continued

Part Seven of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


Published May 27, 2019 | By Jory Cohen, Director of Social Finance and Investment | This post focuses on the next step in the series describing the steps my wife, Jill, and I are taking to reach a 100% impact portfolio: our investment in RE Royalties, a publicly-traded company in its early stages of operations. … Continued

Part Six of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


Published April 8, 2019 | By Jory Cohen, Director of Social Finance and Investment | A little while ago my wife Jill and I committed to a 100% impact portfolio; our goal is to transition our investment portfolio to one entirely composed of impact investments. This is the sixth post outlining one of the steps in … Continued

Part Five of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


by Jory Cohen, Director of Social Finance and Investment After writing about two public equity impact investments in the previous post (iShares MSCI Global Impact ETF and ETHO Climate Leadership US ETF) that intentionally invest in many companies across various sectors, this post focuses on a single investment in one individual public company only: Great … Continued

Part Four of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


by Jory Cohen, Director of Social Finance and Investment Last year, my wife Jill and I committed to a personal 100% impact portfolio where we leverage our assets for positive social and environmental impact by aligning our investments with our vision of how we want the world to be. For us, that means investing in … Continued

Achieving a 100% Impact Portfolio: Part 1


At Inspirit, we recognize that impact investing is an important tool. By investing in companies whose values align with our own organizational vision of inclusion, we can create much-needed systemic change. That’s why we have committed to transitioning our assets to a 100% impact portfolio. In making this change, we believe we can use our … Continued

Part Three of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


by Jory Cohen, Director of Social Finance and Investment This is the third post in a blog series about how my wife Jill and I committed to a personal 100% impact portfolio where we attempt to align all our investable assets with our vision of how we want the world to be. In my previous … Continued