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Since 2019, Inspirit has actively funded journalism with the goal of advancing greater narrative power for communities that Canadian media have historically underrepresented or misrepresented.

Why journalism? 

In a well-functioning democracy, quality journalism disseminates trustworthy information into the public realm to help people understand the world around them. It helps hold power accountable. And at its best, it creates a forum where people from diverse backgrounds can engage in civic dialogue and have a say in decisions that affect their lives. 

Inspirit aims to advance sustainable and more equitable journalism so communities whom Canadian media have historically underrepresented or misrepresented hold greater narrative power in Canadian journalism.   

Since 2019, Inspirit has worked with and funded: 

  • Emerging independent news outlets that center the voices and issues of communities typically ignored or misrepresented by Canadian mainstream media. 
  • Projects that transform how journalism and media serve traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities.  
  • Sector organizations that advance equity in journalism through capacity- and network-building, skills development, advocacy, and other activities. 

Inspirit is committed to helping grow journalism philanthropy in Canada.

We work with our partners to foster a Canadian media ecosystem where narratives that advance racial, social, and economic justice are widespread.  Our efforts include co-creating resources to encourage dialogue between foundations and journalists.

Funding Journalism: A Guide to Philanthropic Support for Canadian Media

This resource provides practical tools for Canadian media interested in exploring philanthropy as a revenue source

Funding Journalism: A Guide for Canadian Philanthropy

Developed in partnership with the Local News Research Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University and Philanthropic Foundations Canada.

Funding Journalism, Strengthening Communities

Five case studies of philanthropic support for community-serving journalism in Canada.

Empowering Communities, Safeguarding Journalists, and Expanding Philanthropy in Canada

We are not able to provide new funding to individual outlets or projects until later this year. We welcome opportunities to collaborate with others. If you would like to learn more about our work, share your insights, or explore ways to collaborate, we encourage you to get in touch.

We are developing new programming and funding criteria that will advance:

  • Journalism that furthers diverse communities’ civic engagement, decision-making power, and ability to hold power to account  
  • The protection of journalists’ safety and freedom of expression 
  • The growth of journalism philanthropy in Canada

Inspirit’s principles for funding journalism:

Inspirit publicly names all funding partnerships with journalism organizations on our Grants page. We also require grantee partners to publicly name Inspirit as a supporter of their work on published materials and communications – print, digital, audio, and other media – as well as website, annual report, and other public facing materials where appropriate. This is for transparency. 

Inspirit does not endorse, influence, edit, or vet content produced by journalist partners in advance of or following publication. Inspirit funding does not imply editorial involvement or endorsement of the content produced. 

Inspirit requires that grantee partners employ all applicable ethical and/or journalistic standards applicable to the production and publication of content.  

Journalism key terms 

Quality Journalism

We define quality journalism as the act of original reporting that disseminates news and information that serve the public interest. Quality journalism is based on facts, is independent from the vested interests of those it covers, and demonstrates a commitment to accuracy and transparency in reporting methods, regardless of the platform. 

Equitable Journalism

We define equitable journalism as led by and serving the voices and communities who have been historically ignored, misrepresented or harmed by the media. A more equitable journalism sector requires a shift in industry culture and leadership, diverse newsrooms and editorial leadership, and addressing historic funding disparities, among other conditions. This evolving definition builds on exchanges with grantee partners and on the work of peers such as Borealis Philanthropy, Impact Architects and Democracy Fund.