Portfolio Performance
Through our commitment to a 100% impact portfolio, we use our assets to generate financial returns as well as positive social and environmental impact.
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Our Goals
Our Investment Policy Statement outlines three main investment goals:
Risk-adjusted financial performance: Inspirit’s primary fiscal objective is to ensure financial stability in order for us to carry out our activities over both the short and long term.
Low carbon footprint: Moving toward a low carbon portfolio is essential. Economic & scientific data state that investing in companies with high levels of carbon emissions leads to lower future profitability levels and devastating social consequences.
Positive social & environmental impact: Our investments need to generate returns that transcend financial outcomes for our foundation and maximize stakeholder value, to create a more inclusive and pluralist society.
How do we calculate our performance?
Here’s a look at our performance compared to our benchmark to date.
Environmental, Social and Governance Performance
This is measured by both the environmental/social/governance (ESG) scores of the companies in our portfolio, as well as how our investments contribute to the outcomes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We compare both these metrics against our benchmark.
We consider ESG scores to be a decent assessment of the operations of a company (i.e. fairness of the supply chain, composition of leadership, etc.). These scores help us understand the internal operations of our portfolio companies and whether their values align with ours. ESG performance is calculated on a 10-point scale.
Sustainable Development Goals Performance
More importantly, we also measure positive impact through the percentage of companies in our portfolio that earn most of their revenue from products and services that contribute to the outcomes of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Analyzing how a company earns its revenue helps us understand what the company does and whether it aligns with Inspirit’s vision and mission. This graph shows the percentage of our portfolio that earns most of its revenue through advancing the SDG, compared to the benchmark.