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A multi-faith effort brings fresh food to the table

A multi-faith effort brings fresh food to the table

By: Bandana Singh, Program Coordinator & Lin Rahman, Communications Coordinator

The sun was particularly hot the morning of July 28th when we visited Karma Grow Community Farms and Gardens, but no one seemed to mind. It was barely 10 a.m. and several volunteers from Seva Food Bank were already busy watering, mulching and tending to the different vegetable plants. The Peace Garden: A Multi-faith Gardening Project has rallied together diverse groups including the Sikh community, the Catholic Family Services Peel-Dufferin, Eco Source and the Punjabi Community Health Services around the scarcity of fresh, healthy and nutritious food in the suburbs. Together, these organizations and their volunteers have begun to actively address this problem by growing food that will later be distributed to those in need through Seva Food Bank. We joined some of the volunteers at the farm as they got their hands dirty tending to young seedlings. Besides gardening, the project also gave them the opportunity to learn about healthy eating and food preparation. We had a chance to join an interesting workshop on herbs and their many uses with Seva’s volunteer instructor, Beghael Kaur. Check out the photos from our visit: