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Divestment is Not Enough

Impact Investing Media Coverage

Jory Cohen, Inspirit’s Director of Finance and Impact Investment, wrote an op-ed for the The Hill Times that explains how investments can have an even greater impact when divesting is entwined with impact investing.

Impact Investing and the Pandemic: Part 9

Impact Investing Media Coverage

The final part of the “Impact Investing and the Pandemic” series provides insight on Inspirit’s investments and impact-centric approach during the pandemic.

The Next Evolution of our Impact Investment Portfolio

Impact Investing Media Coverage

As Inspirit’s seven-year impact investing journey has formally come to an end, we have been asking ourselves what’s next? How can we push ourselves further? We believe we have one answer.

Impact Investing and the Pandemic: Part 8

Impact Investing Media Coverage

By Jory Cohen, Director of Finance and Impact Investment, Inspirit Foundation  It’s been nearly three years since the beginning of the pandemic. While life seems to have settled back into a more comfortable rhythm for many, the financial markets continue to be volatile. Following record-setting positive performance for our portfolio in 2020 — from both … Continued