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Documentary Organization of Canada

The Documentary Organization of Canada (DOC) is a member-driven national organization dedicated to supporting documentary filmmaking and filmmakers.

Muslims in Media

Muslims in Media (MiM) was founded in 2021 with a mission to incubate independent media. Their goal is to support productions and offer professional development opportunities for artists working on nuanced depictions of Muslim life. This grant supports the Break the Room project and the Episodic Writers Lab.


The Mosquers was started in 2006 as a short-film festival to provide a platform for local films by Muslim filmmakers in Edmonton. It has emerged as a key organization in Canada’s Muslim creative sector over the past decade.

Documentary Organization of Canada

The Documentary Organization of Canada is a member-driven national organization dedicated to supporting documentary filmmaking and filmmakers.


The Mosquers was started in 2006 as a short-film festival to provide a platform for local films by Muslim filmmakers in Edmonton. It has emerged as a key organization in Canada’s Muslim creative sector over the past decade. This grant supported the 2023 Mosquers festival and the Opening Credits Event.

Black Women Film! Canada

Black Women Film! is a not-for-profit organization that supports the development of Black women and non-binary filmmakers & media artists in Canada. This grant supported the DREAM BIG writer and director retreat.

Content Canada

Launched in 2018, Content Canada brings the media industry together to learn, inspire, network and get business done in Toronto during the Toronto International Film Festival. This grant supported Muslim screen-based professionals to attend 2023 Content Canada.

Muslims in Media

Muslims in Media supports productions and offers professional development opportunities for artists working on nuanced depictions of Muslim life.This grant supported MIM to host Muslim House at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival, which brought together Muslim creatives from across the country for networking and panels.


Independent Media Producers Association of Creative Talent / L’Association des producteur.trice.s de talents cinématographiques des médias indépendants (IMPACT-APTCMI) is a national, member-based not-for-profit organization that combats systemic and anti-Black racism to help create fair, equitable and truly representative film, tv, digital media, and music industries. This grant supported a producer training program.

Racial Equity Screen Office

Racial Equity Screen Office (RESO) is a Vancouver-based organization that supports the mentorship, training, funding, production, and distribution of content by racialized Canadian filmmakers with diverse stories. This grant supported their East by Northwest Global Summit gathering.