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imagiNATIVE showcases, promotes, and celebrates Canadian and international Indigenous filmmakers and media artists. imagiNATIVE is committed to a greater understanding by audiences of Indigenous peoples, cultures, and artistic expressions.

FLIP Foundation

This grant supported development funding for the FLIP Foundation, a thinktank focused on creative leadership and increasing accessibility in the arts.

Indigenous Visual Culture at OCAD University

The Indigenous Visual Culture program at OCAD University combines practice-specific and interdisciplinary studio-based learning, and courses in the visual, cultural, social and political history of Indigenous peoples. This grant supported the Nigig Visiting Artist Residency.

Indigenous Curatorial Collective

The Indigenous Curatorial Collective / Collectif des commissaires autochtones (ICCA) is an Indigenous run and led not-for-profit organization that aims to support and connect fellow Indigenous curators, artists, writers, academics, and professionals through various methods of gathering.


imagiNATIVE showcases, promotes, and celebrates Canadian and international Indigenous filmmakers and media artists. imagiNATIVE is committed to a greater understanding by audiences of Indigenous peoples, cultures, and artistic expressions. This grant supported their Digital Pivot response project.

Indigenous Curatorial Collective

The Indigenous Curatorial Collective / Collectif des commissaires autochtones (ICCA) is an Indigenous run and led not-for-profit organization that aims to support and connect fellow Indigenous curators, artists, writers, academics, and professionals through various methods of gathering. This grant supported the “Curating Care” project.