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Muslims in Media

Muslims in Media (MiM) was founded in 2021 with a mission to incubate independent media. Their goal is to support productions and offer professional development opportunities for artists working on nuanced depictions of Muslim life. This grant supports the Break the Room project and the Episodic Writers Lab.

All My Relations Indigenous Society

This grant supported Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week (VIFW) 2023, an extraordinary celebration of Indigenous creativity and culture VIFW highlights how fashion can build connections with Indigenous values, wisdom, and history, and cultivate of strength and resiliency in Indigenous communities, as well as be a vehicle for understanding and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Spotlight: Child Welfare

Spotlight: Child Welfare is a collaborative journalism project that aims to change dominant narratives around the child welfare system. Journalists build capacity to cover stories in trauma-informed, community-led, and evidence-based ways, through work with youth in care and other people connected to the child welfare system.


The Mosquers was started in 2006 as a short-film festival to provide a platform for local films by Muslim filmmakers in Edmonton. It has emerged as a key organization in Canada’s Muslim creative sector over the past decade. This grant supported the 2023 Mosquers festival and the Opening Credits Event.

Community Radio Fund of Canada

The Community Radio Fund of Canada secures funding for the production, distribution and sustainability of Canada’s community audio broadcasters. This grant funds the Amplifying Voices program which supports Indigenous broadcasters in the production and distribution of Indigenous language programming.

Canadian Association of Journalists

The Canadian Association of Journalists is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides advocacy and professional development for journalists across Canada. This grant supports the Emergency Support Fund for Canadian Journalists.

The Breach

The Breach is an independent media outlet producing public service journalism. This grant supports The Breach in its analysis of mainstream Canadian media coverage of the Israel/Palestine war.

Indigenous Communication Arts at First Nations University

First Nations University of Canada seeks to have an ongoing transformative impact through education based on a foundation of Indigenous Knowledge. Indigenous Communication Arts specializes in journalism and public relations. This grant supported a Indigenous Journalism Teaching Fellowship.

Eastern Door

The Eastern Door is a community-based newspaper serving the community of Kahnawake. This grant supports the Sharing our Stories project, a weekly series of stories told by Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) Elders in English and the Kanien’kéha language.

Indigenous Visual Culture at OCAD University

The Indigenous Visual Culture program at OCAD University combines practice-specific and interdisciplinary studio-based learning, and courses in the visual, cultural, social and political history of Indigenous peoples. This grant supported the Nigig Visiting Artist Residency.