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Inspirit Grantee Wins Hot Docs International Film Festival Awards


Kímmapiiyipitssini: The Meaning of Empathy, a documentary about the opioid crisis in the Kainai First Nation in Alberta, won the Rogers Audience Award and the Emerging Canadian Filmmaker Award at the Hot Docs International Film Festival. The film premiered at the festival on April 29th. Directed by Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, the film profiles people living with addiction … Continued

Jory and Jill’s impact investing journey: Part 12


As the pandemic drags on, life continues from home for my family.  While I’ve been working from my home office, Jill’s been painting at the kitchen (turned art) table. A highlight for us during this period of isolation is that Jill decided to share her artwork publicly for the first time. Jill’s been painting the … Continued

Indiegraf: Media Incubator Wins Spring Impact Investor Challenge


Indiegraf, a national Canadian independent media platform won the Spring Impact Investor Challenge for making high-quality news accessible to communities. The Spring Impact Investor Challenge is an eight-week online program that helps start-ups raise capital through a series of workshops and networking opportunities with impact investors. Indiegraf competed against 19 companies to win $100,000, provided … Continued

Indiegraf: Media Incubator Wins Spring Impact Investor Challenge


Indiegraf, a Canadian independent media incubator has won the Spring Impact Investor Challenge for making high-quality news accessible to communities. The Spring Impact Investor Challenge is an eight-week online program launched by Spring, a global incubator, accelerator, and advisory firm that helps entrepreneurs and investors innovate and thrive. The challenge helps start-ups raise the right type of capital … Continued

Stream Indigenous Fashion Week Toronto (IFWTO)


Watch Indigenous Fashion Week Toronto (IFWTO) from November 26 starting at noon (EST) to November 29, 2020 for free at Led by Indigenous women, IFWTO is a fashion, craft, and textiles festival featuring over 50 limited edition Indigenous-made collections, films featuring 19 designers, a digital art exhibition, and a virtual pop-up marketplace. The festival takes place every two years and connects Canadian and international audiences … Continued

ROM-COM Bootcamp Launched for Emerging and Mid-Career Canadian BIPOC Writers.


Inner Vision Productions Inc., Bell Media, and Diversity Trainer Karen King have launched a 14-week ROM-COM bootcamp for diverse emerging and mid-career writers. The initiative is a response to the historical lack of BIPOC writers in screen-based industries in Canada. Showrunners and consultants in Canadian film and television will train writers to pitch, write, produce, … Continued

Indiegraf: Media Incubator a North American Finalist


Indiegraf, a Canadian independent media incubator has made it to the Top 19 New Media Venture (NMV) Groups to Watch list. NMW selected Indiegraf, a network of indie news entrepreneurs, for creating an equitable and sustainable media industry by launching and streamlining access to digital news outlets. NMW reviewed a whopping 1,200 applications in  their latest call … Continued

Celebrate Emancipation Day from Home


Marking Emancipation Day, Emancipation Arts, and UforChange present FreeUp! 2020, a festival of arts and activism on August 1, 2020. In collaboration with Pop Montreal and The Phi Centre, FreeUp! features stars such as AIZA, Trinisha Browne, Jully Black, Motion, DJ L’Oqenz, and Zaki Ibrahim. Live stream festival performances from Toronto, Montreal, and Stratford on CBC … Continued

Inspirit Grantee Alia Youssef on Sisterhood


The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by celebrating and sharing their stories. Alia has photographed and interviewed over 160 Canadian women from 12 cities and eight provinces. Check out media coverage here and learn more about the project here.

Silk Road Institute Offers Creative Arts Grants


The Silk Road Institute has launched the 2020-2021 Creative Arts Grants for Canadian Muslim artists. Genres include, but are not limited to, the visual arts (paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures, and architecture), literature (novels, poems, and playscripts), and media (documentary, film, and videos). Canadian Muslim artists are invited to submit proposals by July 24. The Silk Road Institute is an Inspirit … Continued