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Jory and Jill’s Impact Investing Journey: Part 15

Impact Investing

By Jory Cohen, Director of Finance and Impact Investment  Hayzen, our two-and-a-half-year-old son, has a tendency to ask Jill and I some interesting questions. The other day, he paused mid-activity as if he had an epiphany, looked squarely at both of us, and asked “What is love?” I stared blankly at this precocious toddler.   … Continued

Jory and Jill’s Impact Investing Journey: Part 14

Impact Investing

By Jory Cohen, Director of Finance and Impact Investment  A lot has happened since my last post. As the pandemic’s fourth wave continues to persist, Jill and I welcomed our second (and almost certainly final!) baby into the world. Crosley was born in early September, and while we never really set out to do this, Jill and … Continued

Jory and Jill’s Impact Investing Journey: Part 13

Impact Investing

By Jory Cohen, Director of Finance and Impact Investment  With a first dose in my arm, I’m feeling like we’re finally seeing the first rays of light at the end of the tunnel. There’s still a long way to go until we shed the masks and social distancing, but the first dose definitely injected a … Continued