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Inspirit Grantee Institut F Receives Federal Grant


Institut F has received a federal grant of $144,261 to launch the Cultiver Un Leadership D’Excellence Program [Cultivating Excellence in Leadership Program], a free leadership training program for Muslim Women in Quebec. The institute is one among 15 organizations in Quebec, which received the grant under the Anti-Racism Action Program of the Government of Canada. … Continued

This Is Worldtown’s women mediamakers are reshaping our media landscape


In celebration of International Women’s Day, we are shining the spotlight on our grantee This Is Worldtown (TIWT), a digital hub featuring the first person expression of women of colour, globally, across storytelling mediums. In this post, co-founder Sana A. Malik reflects on why Canada’s media landscape needs more spaces like TIWT. Stay tuned all this month for … Continued