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Inspirit makes capital commitment to help launch Foundation for Black Communities

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Together with the Laidlaw Foundation, the Inspirit Foundation uses our capital to help launch a new foundation to support Black communities. On Wednesday, March 10th, Future of Good, a digital online publication, recognized Inspirit Foundation and the Laidlaw Foundation capital transfer to support a new philanthropic organization focused on supporting Black communities – Foundation for … Continued

Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey: Part 11

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Like so many others this year, Hayzen had a birthday during the pandemic. This was a milestone birthday for him – his first! While it was fun to celebrate him turning one, Hayzen is undoubtedly growing up during an unprecedented time in history. With no end in sight just yet, we continue to be concerned … Continued

Impact Investing and the Pandemic-Part 3

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As another fiscal quarter comes to an end, the widespread, negative effects of the pandemic continue to persist, but at the same time we also see some recovery of the global markets. With the third quarter of 2020 now behind us, we’ve seen much of the financial loss endured by the global markets almost fully … Continued

Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey: Part 10

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As new parents we are adjusting to living in virtual isolation with our son during these strange and scary times; we worry about the long-lasting impacts psychologically and socially. Outside of our little family bubble, the pandemic has threatened people’s livelihoods and created chaos in the global markets. Investment strategies have needed to adapt to … Continued

Impact Investing and the Pandemic-Part 2

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After nearly five months, the pandemic continues to dictate all aspects of the economy, including investments. When we reported on our investment performance after the first quarter of 2020, we were just at the beginning of what is now expected to be a fundamental shift in the global economy. Despite this, and a historically steep … Continued

Part Nine of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey

Media Coverage

The pandemic has hit in the midst of two major life changes for my family. This past year Jill and I welcomed our son Hayzen and then also bought a new home. Just as we settled into our new life with our family of three, the pandemic hit. Chaotic and destructive as its been, my … Continued

Impact Investing and the Pandemic

Media Coverage

The pandemic is causing major volatility on stock markets globally, and as a foundation that relies on our investments to fund our work, we are watching the markets very closely and are encouraged by the performance of our portfolio. Given the extraordinary market environment and Inspirit Foundation’s focus on impact investing, we thought it would … Continued

Achieving a 100% Impact Portfolio: Part 2

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Given the recent volatility of the markets, Inspirit is even more committed to our impact investing strategy moving forward. In January 2016 Inspirit committed to a 100% impact portfolio, and became the only foundation in Canada to publicly state that as our goal. From the outset, we wanted to transition what was a relatively traditional … Continued

Caro Loutfi, Inspirit Board Member Named One of Top 25 Women of Influence

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As executive director at Apathy is Boring, Caro Loutfi works on a national scale and in a non-partisan manner to engage Canadian youth in democracy. In the lead-up to the 2019 Federal Election year, she worked on building and restructuring the organization to grow the not-for-profit’s impact — and the results showed. It was the … Continued

Part Eight of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey

Media Coverage

Just when my wife Jill and I were almost halfway towards our goal of a 100% impact portfolio (see previous post), we liquidated a significant chunk of our portfolio to buy a house! The home purchase was fueled by some happy news for us: a baby! We welcomed Hayzen Marty Cohen into our new home … Continued