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This Is Worldtown’s women mediamakers are reshaping our media landscape


In celebration of International Women’s Day, we are shining the spotlight on our grantee This Is Worldtown (TIWT), a digital hub featuring the first person expression of women of colour, globally, across storytelling mediums. In this post, co-founder Sana A. Malik reflects on why Canada’s media landscape needs more spaces like TIWT. Stay tuned all this month for … Continued

Remembering January 29 & Leading Change


Abdelkrim Hassane, Mamadou Tanou Barry, Ibrahima Barry, Azzeddine Soufiane, Khaled Belkacemi, and Aboubaker Thabti. These are the men whose lives were taken on January 29, 2017 at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City. We’re taking time to reflect on the impact this violence has had on Muslims across Canada, the ways in which Islamophobia persists in … Continued

Announcing the Inaugural Doc Impact Fund Grantees


Written by Chris Lee, Manager of Grants and Media Impact Funding  At Inspirit we believe one of the most powerful ways to build inclusion is to amplify stories revealing often overlooked or misrepresented perspectives and experiences.  These stories help shape our individual and collective realities. They reveal hidden or uncomfortable truths and can drive us … Continued

Part Three of Jory and Jill’s Personal Impact Investing Journey


by Jory Cohen, Director of Social Finance and Investment This is the third post in a blog series about how my wife Jill and I committed to a personal 100% impact portfolio where we attempt to align all our investable assets with our vision of how we want the world to be. In my previous … Continued

Q&A with: Walking With Our Sisters Toronto


Walking With Our Sisters (WWOS) is much more than an art exhibit that raises awareness about missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, trans and two-spirit people. It is also a ceremony centered on supporting families and communities who have experienced loss. WWOS is a commemorative art installation of approximately 2000 pairs of moccasin vamps (the … Continued

Q&A with: Ilyas Gora


Civic participation is an important tool for creating lasting social change, particularly for racialized and marginalized communities. Particularly for Calgary-born and raised Ilyas Gora, getting involved in the political process is critical for getting his community’s collective voice heard. “If you don’t have a seat at the table, at least you can be in touch … Continued

Introducing Our Investment Policy Statement


In 2016, Inspirit launched Fully Committed: Our Roadmap Towards a 100% Impact Portfolio. The roadmap articulates our goals and principles for impact investing. We then developed our Investment Policy Statement (IPS), which charts a path to achieving those goals. The IPS identifies key factors and processes informing our investment decisions while providing a set of … Continued

Animating Social Research to Combat Islamophobia


by Sanjeev Timana, Inspirit Foundation’s Research and Evaluation Coordinator Hatred, racism and Islamophobia thrive on fear and ignorance. Early this year, Canada saw the unsurprising outcome of hatred against Muslims when an act of violence took the lives of 6 innocent people and harmed many others. After having gone through a traumatic violent event like … Continued

Black Liberation is the Most Important Subject


Guest post by LeRoi Newbold, a Director at Black Lives Matter Toronto | Freedom School For most of us with children entering the school system, back to school is characterized by excitement, nervousness, apprehension–maybe even a little dread. For those of us raising precious Black children there is an extra set of wonders, questions, and concerns. … Continued

Leslie on #Canada150


In this final instalment of our #Canada150 series, we spoke to Leslie VanEvery who is Cayuga and is originally from the Six Nations of the Grand River. As an Indigenous woman and a student leader at George Brown College, Leslie proposes ways that education can help mitigate the misconceptions and knowledge gaps about Indigenous peoples … Continued